marketer | analyst | disciple
Your Daily Dose of Faith campaign | Faith Church
As head of the Communications Team at Faith Church, I strive to keep our congregation informed and engaged. The Your Daily Dose of Faith campaign is meant to keep the weekly scripture readings top-of-mind for the congregation, as well as to push out God's Word into people's News Feeds. Utilizing Adobe Spark and great free-domain photo sites like Unsplash, I take 7 verses from Sunday's scripture readings and put them on great-looking graphics to share on Facebook.
Blog Posts | Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics
As a marketing manager, I wrote several content marketing pieces for a blog for Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics. These pieces were targeted toward marketers at scholarly publishers and academic associations.
Blog Posts | Telikin
These articles were written while working as a marketing analyst at Telikin. They were targeted toward the family of older adults who would be intersted in an easy-to-use, touchsreen computer. Articles were promoted on social media sites.
Annual Report Letter | Faith Church
As President of Council, I wrote these two letters for Faith Church's 2015 and 2016 Annual Reports, which were published for the congregation to review the year's activities and budget.
Activities Guide | Telikin
As part of a content-marketing strategy for Telikin, I created this "Activities Guide" targeted towards activities directors in long-term care or senior day care facilities to demonstrate how they can leverage technology in their programs and stay compliant with applicable laws. I created this document in PowerPoint, adapting it from a free template.
Advertising Analysis Spreadsheet | Telikin
In order to analyze the performance of a direct response marketing campaign, I created this file to track how commercials performed on different networks in comparison to each other over a period of time. The ranking was based on a weighted formula taking into consideration multiple KPIs. I also included a summary view to track overall campaign performance and a worksheet for planning how to distrubute future budget based on the networks' performance. Please note, because of the reference formulas, full functionality is only available when opened in Excel on a Windows device. The first tab provides detailed descriptions of the campaign and how to use the file.